Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Back from ComicCon

Well I'm back from the San Diego ComicCon -I detailed it pretty well in the latest Rant, but I thought I'd post some pictures for your viewing enjoyment - I didn't get a chance to take many pictures actually since the only time I really got out and about I forgot my camera at the booth O_o oh well! I got to meet a bunch of people I've been wanting to meet for a while, the Penny Arcade guys, the Apple Geeks guys the producers of Last Exile ( who confirmed that we are NOT in fact copying their anime ) I couldn't hook up with Fred this time, but I talked to Sarah and got a copy of Megatokyo 4. I talked to Brion from Flipside as well, he and his girlfriend from Mystic Revolution got upgraded out of the small press alley and I was extremely jealous! As you can see in the pictures below the small press area was sort of a shanty town this year.

I was in the booth a lot by myself at this con - my sister-in-law was there but I let her go do stuff with her friends who live in the area most of the days of the con so I didn't get around as much as I would have liked. Still I did pick up a copy of Flight 3 and the first two Red Star Graphic novels - everyone keeps comparing Alpha Shade to Red star so I thought I should find out why.

Diamond distributors stopped by the booth and told me to send me one of our books - we'll see how that turns out ;) a bunch of TV producers wanted to pitch Alpha Shade to TV stations - one said, and I quote "Well we'll have to take the guns and violence out, but other than that! Pure Gold!" I think I'll pass on that offer! LOL

The French want to translate our comic into French and distribute our comic there and EVERYBODY wants me to work for them, of course they "can't pay much." I love these guys!

Cosplay madness! My sister-in-law as Laura and a fan as a Soldier

To the right of me - These guys made some pretty cool homemade action figures!

to the left of me - These guys had some stories printed in some anthologies - AND they sold t-shirts with their logo on it.. Not really small press, but whatever! ;D

across from me - to the left - mmm sandwiches + sketches = no sales.
To the right - Screen savers prints + nice printing but no display or attempt to sell your work = no sales. It was actually kind of sad to see the people around me not selling anything - but you need to try to sell stuff to sell it.
People don't seem to get that.

Behind me - Hippies! WOOOO + Bags on head but nothing to sell = no sales.


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