Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finishing up the rants

We've been working really hard on the Rant animations for the last couple of weeks. I'm trying to get them ready in the next couple of days so I can get the preorders to people before Christmas. Needless to say everything else has been taking a back seat to this project until we get them out. As usual I always underestimate how long things will take by x3. I would factor that into my calculations, but I'm afraid that if I did things would take three times longer than THAT! Still I think with a lot of hard work we should be able to meet our deadline. The Cd packages are going to be a little different than I originally planned. Instead of two cds per season there is now one, this is because we will be putting all of the animations on a separate disk. So the Box set will be 3 CDs with mp3s and a Flash player interface, and the Rant animation disk.. I may make it into an actual DVD. That would be cool, but I may not have time to figure out the details on that one. Either way there is over an hour of animated Alpha Rants. I think they are pretty funny and I can't wait to share them with you guys. I'm pretty excited about getting this out the door. I'm sorry that it took so long, but I think in the end it will be worth the wait! Once the preorders are done I will be raising the price on the Package deal. We will be offering the Animations separately after the preorders.

Here are some more preview images from the rants for you to enjoy!


At 6:22 PM, Blogger E.A. said...

(EDIT: Hey Joe! I’m posting this letter in the “Comments” section of your blog, just in case you didn’t get this via conventional e-mail.)

To The Brudlos—

I’m Enoch Allen, and I’ve enjoyed your comic since I ran into it a couple months back. But right on par with the comic in terms of quality are the Alpha Rants. This is why I’m writing you.

I’m wondering if I could download the Rants, and then upload them to the Podcasts section of my website, There isn’t such a section there as I write—I’m still ironing out some imperfections and fiddling with the usual coding issues. But the site will be up shortly, and I’m rounding up some interested parties. There’s nothing in it for me except the desire to do my part in helping you guys expand your already sizable fanbase. And, it’s free advertising for you guys (since I’ve noted that previous Rants contained long stretches of discussion concerning places to advertise your web comic)!

Well, hold up. There is something in it for me. Syndicating your Rants on my site means that I don’t have to come up with original content to attract visitors, thereby allowing me to focus on the other vitals of my site. It also adds diversity. The Rants are adept at emphasizing the growing role of webcomics in our society, and the increasing presence of pages of graphic novels (that are soon to be published) adorning the front pages of websites before going to the front covers of books in a traditional bookstore. They allow the audience to become intimate with the processes of bringing a comic to life, and in that course endears them to the work and its creators.

Letter’s long enough. I was just interested in putting your Podcasts up on my site in the Podcasts section, and was seeking your permission first before I do something that might be considering illegal, or at the very least, inappropriate. Thanks for reading this opus—I always look forward to reading yours.


Check out E. Allen's P.O.V.! coming soon!


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